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Fiddles and Death Row merge in a CD event never before seen on this Website!!!

In 1999-2000, my first book, Dead Run: The Shocking Story of Dennis Stockton and Life on Death Row in America, was optioned by HBO for a movie. Unfortunately, the option was dropped the next year when HBO changed management, but the best part of that experience still survives--a proposed soundtrack of haunting folk music composed and performed on viola by Cliff Self, the blind fiddling genius of Port Townsend, Washington. Now, for a nominal fee, this original mountain music can be yours! Tap your foot to "Stockton's Lament." Shudder to "The Last Mile." Just contact me through my e-mail, or contact the mad fiddler Self directly at cliff@cablespeed.com. Either way, this Roots Music Extravaganza will soon be yours!